The File Service Platform

Bitedit & BitBox!

We now have Bitedit, Bitbox, and PCMFlash master dongles in stock. Ready to ship!

OLS 501 With 200 credits

We are a registered reseller of all EVC products, now offering EVC OLS version 501. The full commercial two-user license with 200 re-seller database credits for the crazy price of $4500. This means tunes bought through our database would be under $150    

New Damos/Mappacks available!!

We now have many new files added to our database. Every day we try to upload at least 3-4 new files. If there is something you need please drop me an email with all the details and the original file and I will update the database promptly.

The File Service Portal goes live

Finally after nearly 12 months in testing the new File Service portal is up and running. We have worked very closely with our website development team to bring you the smoothest end user experience. Please have a look around and send us your feedback. We will have more products added to the shop to increase..Read More